Wednesday, 27 January 2010


Monday: Getting back into the swing of FDP, starting off with some stuff about colour swatches. It's quite cool to see how other people have sourced their colour swatches. One of the better things to do, would be to get a Pantone Color book, but on the website the cheapest one, with swatches included, was about £230! So I'm afraid there's no chance of one of those anytime soon. We also had split group tutorials, which was really handy as I still didn't really know what to do with the project. I've now decided on my idea, and even got a game-plan of what I intend to do with my designs.
Tuesday: I'm really annoyed about today if I'm honest. Got into uni, expecting to be with Jamie in group A, but apparently not. The timetable says 'split groups with jamie' so that's what I assumed. It turns out, we're actually still in Anoracks and Bomerjackets, like on Monday's lesson. If I had known this, I would've bought my Manifesto work in, but I didn't, so I left it all at home and had nothing to do. So I ended up spending the entire morning researching. Which there's nothing wrong with that, but I could've done something more important than that. I managed to get loads of images printed, so I've now produced a mood board and got loads of photos of relevant designers all organised and ready to go.
Wednesday: Buying and Merchandising lecture was pretty good. I'm pretty tired, so I thought I'd be falling asleep through it but I actually paid quite a lot of attention. So far pretty much everything makes sense to me, but I'm probably going to loose track soon so I bought John's book that I can read when I'm at home.
Thursday: Had another lesson on Lectra today, I'm really pleased with how well it went. I don't think I struggled with anything at all really, just a few things that went slightly wrong, but were easily rectified. I have a lot to learn though, all the different tabs and options we have, with all these crazy new words... a lot to get used to! Also today, I've been colour-swatching. Using some images for my Manifesto project I've selected colours to use for swatches. I also got a book through that I ordered which I think may help me. Inside it contains some tear-out swatches, but they're in coloured pairs which is a little annoying. I tried to get hold of a proper Pantone swatch book, but they're wayyyy too expensive for me right now.

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