Tuesday: We were supposed to have a talk with Jamie about CV's today, but I'm pretty worried about the deadline for our Pattern Cutting and Construction units, so I decided to spend the day working on those. I've had a look through my folders and found that I've got a few bits missing, which has got me all of a panic now, I'm just hoping I'll be finished on time.
Wednesday: Private study day, I've been doing a whole load of bits. Mainly focusing on the pattern cutting folder, which is now complete apart from labelling the working sketches, and then I've done a little bit more for the construction folder, like re-doing a couple of my previous samples.
Thursday: The pressure is well and truly on. Quite a few of the other people on the course have now finished all the work they needed to do, so I'm getting quite worked up about the fact I could've been finished now. I am pretty much finished, thankfully. I've finished the shirt now, I think it came out quite well, but I made a mistake with the button holes, so I have lines of yellow chalk in the wrong place which has spoilt it a little as I couldn't wash it off. I'm pretty pleased with how far we've come, at the start when we found out we were making a shirt pretty much by ourselves, I was really worried, but working through it I realised it's not as bad as it seems, I guess I know more than I thought.
Friday: Spent all of last night making sure both books are 100% finished, now they've both been handed in. It's quite a while before we find out our marks, but I'm just glad to be done with them. They're all complete and now I don't have to worry anymore. Definately going to use the Christmas Holidays for a bit of relaxing.
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