Thursday, 8 April 2010

Week Twenty-Twoooo.

Monday: In a way, I hate my parents for the genes they carry. I'm just over 5'7 and am the same size as the manikins we use in the stuido, therefore I'm a good 'model' for everyone at uni. This morning, as well as doing my own toile review, I also modelled for five other people. I guess it's kinda sneaky, 'cause I get to know how well some other people in the group are doing - not that it benefits me in any way. So, I had my review and I'm really pleased with how it went. As expected, I do have to change a few things, such as lenghtening the top and lowering the waistline on the trousers and changing the buttons I intended to use, but otherwise I think it went really well. I know for sure now that I can purchase the fabrics I am using, which is really handy too.
Wednesday: Buying & Merchandising deadline was today, forturnately I managed to finish this piece of work a week early, so I handed it in on Monday after my toile review. I'm not very good with essays, but I'm hoping that the work I have produced is suitable.

Unfortunately, I didn't stay at uni for the rest of this week to make the changes for my outfit as my Nan passed away and I had to travel back home for the funeral. I have done my best to rectify the changes that I needed to make for my top and trousers, without being in the studio. I do still have a couple of bits to alter, but I will do my best to make use of my time when I return after the Easter holidays.

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