Monday: A day out in London! I really enjoyed this day, partly because I was a bit closer to home, but mostly because it was something I'd never got to do before. We started off in Shepard's Bush, looking in a few of the little fabric shops there, and gathering a few samples. We saw all sorts of fabrics in these stores as none of them were specialist stores. The fabrics were also fairly cheap fabrics, some of them really nice though! We then moved onto Oxford Street. Amazingly enough we managed to stay out of all the lovely stores and stuck to the fabric stores! We were supposed to be in groups, but me and Celia stuck as a two as it was much easier to go around the stores and ask for fabrics. I think we managed to get around most of the fabric stores. Some of the people were really helpful and we saw a lot of amazing fabrics. Unfortunately, a lot of them were quite expensive, but I will definately be bearing these stores in mind for future designing.

Tuesday: We had a look at designing flats in illustrator in this lesson. I followed well and I understand how to draw half a garment, reflect them and join them together, so I will find it easy to do this in the future. Jamie also gave us a template for some stitching techniques and zips etc. When we made our t-shirt we had to put binding along the neckline and the stitching along the hems, which at first I struggled with, but I now know where I went wrong with it and I've sorted out my problem!

Wednesday: Today we were asked to design a logo for a store, trace around a design and start to work these into an magazine advertisement. I managed to do a basic, but effective logo, and start my design, but not get any further.
Thursday: Finally a chance to carry on with construction! We continued with the bodice we were making, adding the binding to the neckline and attatching the sleeves to the armholes. I got this finished and I am so pleased with it. Ok, so it's not the best thing I've ever made, but I'm really pleased that I've managed to sucessfully make one! First garment I've made in a while, yayyy!
Friday: A catch-up session today, I mainly worked on my seams that we did in our first construction lesson. Looking back, I did a pretty poor job, so I figured there was definately room for improvement! I am pleased with how they've come out now, even though I did have to do a few of them more than once!
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