Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Week Threeeee...

Monday: First time I've been late. Only by a few minutes, but I did miss the first things that were said to the class, which left me slightly confused. We have a project to do, based on structures. The design has to be created in black and white shades, using whichever materials we like. I didn't really know where to go with it, so I sketched down a few ideas and looked at some online photos to get a bit of inspiration. A lot of people had jumped into the making of their design straight away, which left me feeling a little lost, but I guess everyone does things in their own time. Once I'd actually figured out what I wanted to do, I jumped straight in, now I'm about halfway there with the design and I'm really excited about what the end product is going to be. Well, if it works out right. I'm using plastic for part of my idea and I'm not really sure about how it's going to work. It was really handy to have the tutors around all the time, 'cause I had someone to ask about the trouble I was having. I also liked that we were all together as a group, because it meant I had the chance to talk to some of the people in group B, which doesn't happen often!
Wednesday: Got lost on the way to Illustrator... found the room, then turned out to be the normal room, how confusing :s nevertheless, it was a good lesson. We had to make a load of weather symbols, which was pretty good. I'm happy with out they turned out. I'm still not very good at using the pen, I just can't figure out how to make curved edges properly for some reason! We also learnt how to write on the outside, or inside an object, I'll be using that tool for future moodboards!
Thursday: Using the paper pattern that we were working on a couple of lessons back, we made our bodice toile. I was quite worried at first, as I didn't want to mess it up with squiggly lines but I used a better machine this week, which I got along with nicely so I'll be sticking with that one from now on :] I did manage to end up with two right arms, rather than a left and a right, so I had to unpick quite a bit, but I still managed to catch up to everyone else by the end of the lesson.

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