Also today, we had feedback tutorials on our pattern cutting and construction unit from before Christmas. I didn't really have much to ask in the tutorial, other than 'what can I improve?' so it went pretty quickly. Fortunately, there were only a few things that I did wrong, and I'll make sure I correct them in future units. I am really pleased with the mark I have received, I've done better than I thought I was going to.
Wednesday: Another lecture from John. Considering I'm not great at sitting in front of someone talking at me, I think I'm doing a great job at paying attention. I find these lectures quite beneficial, I feel as though I am learning new things. I enjoy the fact that we can ask questions and discuss between us topics within the unit, so a lot of what is said makes sense to me, I don't leave the lectures confused. Yay!
Thursday: Lectra session today, which taught us how to create lay-plans. I think this is a fantastic part of the program. One thing I dislike about paper patterns is figuring out how to jigsaw them together for the most economical fit. The part of Lectra we used in this session showed us how to use the program to create a lay-plan either ourselves, or from the program. There was an option which meant that the program could find the most economical fit on the fabric lay which we set, and this saved me having to do it myself. I also had a try at figuring out the fit myself, I couldn't get it as good as the computer, but I thought I did a good job of it!